Life Skills Group with SensationALL

After the success of our first Life Skills Group, the second programme is due to start on Tuesday, 21st August. This 8-week session runs on a Tuesday from 1pm to 2.30pm in the Old Schoolhouse, Westhill from 21st August until the 09th October.
Having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life and be as independent as possible. For many individuals, both adults and children with MSN, it can be difficult to manage activities of daily living and they may need tasks to be adapted or require assistance to participate.
The SensationALL Life Skills Group is aimed at individuals who have been identified as having a need and / or the potential to develop their daily independence skills, like making a cup of tea, doing dishes, creating an art project or gardening. The programme and its activities have been designed by Occupational Therapists and the chosen activity will be identified, graded and developed giving each individual more independence, confidence and self-esteem.
What the carers had to say:
“…she has looked forward to every session.”
” …giving them a sense of achievement.”
“…developed new responsibilities.”
“…learning how quickly someone with additional needs can learn so much and progress so quickly.”
What the team volunteers had to say:
“…seen an increased confidence in the service users.”
“…enjoyed watching them go from strength to strength.”
“…I have learned patience and empathy.”
Eligibility to join the SensationALL Life Skills Group includes the ability to understand instruction (verbal, written or visuals) and a basic skill level in chosen activity and interest in certain life skills activities.
Limited spaces left for this small group, please contact or telephone 01224 746699 to book your place. #SensationALL