SensationALL support for girls

This Autism Awareness Week (1st-7th April 2019) we are highlighting the positive impact SensationALL’s groups have on individuals with multiple support needs. In particular, we want to shout about the work we do with young girls who are pre or post diagnosis…
SensationALL Girl’s Group
It’s well documented that it is much harder to diagnose Autism in girls so, at SensationALL we made it our aim to ensure that no young girls with suspected support needs are left in “limbo land” whilst seeking a diagnosis.
Our Girl’s Group programme was created for the growing number of young girls who need our help to address difficulties with anxiety, social interaction, communication and building relationships.
Our team of practitioners have designed each session to include topical discussions and practical tasks that are fun, whilst teaching invaluable de-stressing and coping strategies. Each week they use expressive materials to practice and reflect on their new skills.
The girls are encouraged to build friendships and work together which improves their confidence and boosts self-esteem.
We are here for you! If you are a parent of a girl with Autism or suspected support needs who is over-
whelmed and struggling with life at school or home. SensationALL is a safe place where your daughter can be herself.
The next block of Girl’s Group starts on 23rd April. Contact us to express an interest!
And check out this fantastic video from Carrie Grant who is a mum to children with Autism – its brilliant to hear girls’ perspectives…