Community Asset Transfer Success!

We are delighted to announce that Aberdeenshire Council have granted a Community Asset Transfer of the historic Old Schoolhouse to SensationALL, in a deal which marks the culmination of many years of effort.
The terms of the transfer – Aberdeenshire Council’s biggest to date – will provides us with a stable and secure base where we can continue to deliver services which are invaluable to families living with complex conditions such as autism, learning disabilities and neurological conditions.
Our Chair of the Board of Trustees, Bob McCracken said:
“This is a magnificent step forward for the charity, which provides it with a stable foundation on which to build and flourish. I would like to thank Aberdeenshire Council, the local Councillors, the local Community and the Trustees – past and present – for their support and hard work which has resulted in the charity being given this wonderful opportunity.”
Aberdeenshire Council’s transfer means we can now begin work on expanding the services we offer. Suz Strachan, Service Manager and co-founder of SensationALL said:
“This is an exciting and bold move for SensationALL. Taking over the long-term lease of the building presents a fantastic opportunity for us to develop our services and facilities as never before. Our future really is now in our own hands.”
As Chair of Aberdeenshire Council’s Garioch Area Committee, Cllr Fergus Hood added:
“We are so pleased to see this coming together for the benefit of the local community and to support the incredibly important work SensationALL do with some of our most vulnerable residents. We are committed to empowering communities to create their own success stories through community asset transfer projects and this is absolutely one of them.”
There are exciting plans in store for both SensationALL and the Old Schoolhouse as we work towards realising our charitable vision of creating a flagship service for individuals with support needs & disabilities in a state-of-the-art facility.
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