It is our aim to support people with complex conditions and additional needs for as long as they need us so, our programme of sessions includes something for ALL ages.
The below sessions are held at The Old Schoolhouse, Westhill unless stated otherwise in the description…

Monday Mayhem
For ages 16+, Fortnightly on Mondays.
An inclusive activity group for adults with support needs, complex conditions or disabilities.
Sessions include a range of activities from music, crafts and even baking to introduce a variety of different sensory experiences.
These regular social experiences give adults with complex needs chance to meet others and enjoy themselves in a safe place where they can be themselves.
Attendees must be accompanied by a parent or carer throughout the session.
£15 per attendee (including carer)
Young Adult SociALLise (YAS)
For ages 16-24 years, Weekly on Sundays.
This social group is a safe place for young people to have fun and make friends with others similar to them while, being supported by our specialist practitioners and youth workers.
Through their choice of activities we promote social interaction, friendship building and communication in order to improve self-esteem, confidence and ability to cope in social settings.
Contact us to be added to the waiting list for a place
£5 per session
Neurodivergent Adult Group
Ages 18+
These informal group sessions are for adults with suspected or diagnosed with a neurodivergent condition like Autism or ADHD. Meet and socialise with other like-minded adults in a relaxed environment while getting support from specialist neurodiversity practitioners.
Each week we’ll chat about a different topic, compare experiences and the SensationALL team will share their practical advice and knowledge.
Sessions are FREE and get in touch for more information regarding the In-Person sessions, (For the online session, please email us to request the meeting link.)
In person sessions:
Tuesdays, Belgrave House, Aberdeen, 6.30-8pm
Email us for more information –
Online session:
Tuesdays, 10-11am
Email us for the link to join the online meeting –