Would you like to have a say in how SensationALL should be run?
We need our families, supporters and anyone with an interest in the charity to become MEMBERS in order to meet the requirements of being a 2-tiered SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation). If you sign up as a member you’ll be given voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and whenever there are proposed changes to our constitution or charitable purpose.
What’s involved:
There are no regular duties or commitment required from Members, although you are welcome to volunteer to give your time to the charity throughout the year.
The main requirement of Members is to participate in the Annual General Meeting when you will be asked to vote on fundamental decisions proposed by the Board of Trustees such as, electing new board members, amendments to the charity’s constitution or policies, large capital investment projects or (hopefully not!) dissolving the organisation.
Most importantly, as a Member you have the chance to tell us what you want SensationALL to do to improve, grow and meet the needs of our service users and the community.
There are no skills or qualifications required to become a Member, as long as you are over age 16 and a UK resident. Corporate organisations can also become Members (one person would be appointed as the organisation’s representative).
To sign up, fill in the short application below and return to info@sensationall.org.uk