After the success of our first Life Skills Group, the second programme is due to start on Tuesday, 21st August. This 8-week session runs on a Tuesday from 1pm to 2.30pm in the Old Schoolhouse, Westhill from 21st August until the 09th October. Having life skills is an essential part...
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More than halfway through the year and our SensationALL team have been busier than ever ! As well as being the gold charity sponsors at Run Balmoral in April, supporting our runners in the Baker 10k in May and being the charity partners for the Westhill 10k in June; we...
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Our first Sensory Playgroup of 2018 is done and dusted! This is a relatively new group for SensationALL and ran once towards the end of 2017. This session ran on Thursday mornings for a 4-week block and was fully booked within weeks of being announced! The next session for term...
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