This Autism Awareness Week (1st-7th April 2019) we are highlighting the positive impact SensationALL's groups have on individuals with multiple support needs. In particular, we want to shout about the work we do with young girls who are pre or post diagnosis... SensationALL Girl's Group It's well documented that it is much harder...
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To celebrate World Book Day (Thursday 7th March) we thought we'd share with you our top tips for making a DIY sensory story! The benefits of sensory stories for individuals with multiple support needs are endless - they help capture their imagination, introduce new sensory experiences, develop language and social...
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For most people Christmas is an exciting time but it usually means a change in routine which, for families with multiple support needs (MSN) can be upsetting and disruptive. Not to mention all the additional sensory experiences such as Christmas lights, music and scents which can be overwhelming. To help...
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Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving, after Black Friday and Cyber Monday it is a day to give back and do good. At SensationALL we love the idea and thought it was the perfect opportunity to shout about the ways you can support our charity. SensationALL are dedicated...
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