*NEW* virtual social group

We've been delighted with the success of our virtual services since the pandemic forced us to suspend face-to-face activities. But as a needs led service, we are always looking for ways to improve our programme and respond to input from our attendees. Therefore, we are delighted to announce that following...Read More

Inclusive Play Park for Westhill

The planned car park extension and new playground installation is finally happening! Visitors to the Old Schoolhouse over the last few years will be familiar with the parking constraints caused by the small onsite car park. Addressing this issue has been one of our key priorities following the completion of...Read More

SensationALL support

Recently, one of our amazing teens, Euan Gray was brave enough to tell his story to BBC Radio Scotland's Michelle McManus. Listen below to him talk about the difference that SensationALL madeRead More

How to have a ‘SensationALL’ lockdown!

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected everyone and SensationALL is no exception! With our face to face services at the Old Schoolhouse suspended, our dedicated team immediately began investigating alternative options to support our families remotely. Social distancing and restricted movement have meant extensive changes in routine which is hard for...Read More

Easter Cheese Scones

We've decided to be different this Easter weekend and balance out all the sweet treats with our SensationALL savoury cheese scones! Our esteemed leader, Suz tested out the recipe earlier this week and recorded a video for our social media channels so you can bake along with her. Below is...Read More

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