Apache donation to fund new state-of-the-art sensory room

Kingswells-based, Apache North Sea Limited, has donated £30,000 to SensationALL for the renovation and repurposing of our sensory room. As part of Apache’s Corporate Social Responsibility programme, they have awarded the charity funds for the design and installation of a new sensory room.   The donation will go towards the renovation...Read More

Christmas With Multiple Support Needs: 10 Top Tips For Avoiding Stress This Festive Season

1. Keep routines going to avoid the hype of the "countdown" to Christmas Whilst some may cope with the "countdown to Christmas", knowing your child, you may find it easier to play this down if it is likely to increase their stress. Either way, it is very hard to ignore...Read More

How to create a sensory space on a budget

Many people have the perception that designing and creating a dedicated sensory space can be unachievable due to space and financial restraints, but this isn’t necessarily the case. You can achieve so much regardless of the amount of space you have, or the amount of money you have available to...Read More

What does ‘Multiple Support Needs’ mean?

When working towards a diagnosis, naturally you want to find out all you can. Unfortunately, as you start to dig around and conduct research, it can sometimes become a little overwhelming. There are often so many new terms and different references to different disabilities that it’s hard to know where...Read More

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