Like most charities, SensationALL relies on the donations and financial contributions of funders and supporters in order to achieve our charitable purpose of improving the lives of people with neurodivergent conditions and complex support needs. The highlight in our fundraising calendar is the annual ball and this year, we have...
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One thing we know how to do at SensationALL is how to make our sessions fun! Our creative team use a wide range of games to get youngsters moving their bodies and trying different sensory experiences. Play allows practitioners to implement clinical practices that are vital to improve self-regulation so...
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Most people look forward to the festive period but if you are neurodivergent then it can exacerbate issues you already find tricky... changes in routine, activities and expectations. Some of our 'neuro-spicy' staff and families have collaborated to pull together this list of tips and suggestions to help you tackle...
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The world isn’t set up for neurodivergent people. Some may think that is an overly generalised statement but, the reality is that modern life is fast paced, highly stimulating and demanding, which is incredibly difficult for everyone but especially for those with additional support needs. Life today comes with a...
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Do you have what it takes to conquer a Firewalk? We are looking for people to sign up and take on this challenge and raise much-needed funds to support our service delivery. We need people with the inner courage to walk barefoot across glowing embers in an exhilarating and motivational...
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